Word from the Lord concerning Israel
Very rarely do I hear the Lord speaking. Only twice in the last 5 years, each time in His own language. I cannot speak it nor write it but thankfully the Lord has blessed me with the gift of interpretation. I cannot even express the feelings or emotions in receiving such revelation I feel so inadequately able to share. This is the only platform the Lord has given me - otherwise it would not be published here nor on the TOC website.
If there is anything that I can say about the validity of these words it would be this:
“For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.”-Malachi 3:6
-Brandon Dawson, Tribe of Christians —————————————————————
To Israel, the land of Israel, and it’s people the Lord’s inheritance,
Wednesday evening May19th 2021 at 11pm I heard the Lord say,
“It cost you nothing for your land but I gave it to you freely.
There are others who sacrificed everything to gain what I gave to you.
Is not the sacrifice holy and does the sacrifice not consecrate the land and it’s people?
Learn this lesson from the gentles
Is it not I that has consecrated you and your land?
Was your land not barren and empty? Why than does it produce bountiful?
What sacrifice was made? Was it not I that brought you back from the farthest reaches of the earth?
How can a fruit prosper if there is no tree? How can a tree exist if there is no seed? And how can a seed grow if it is not planted?
Was it not I that has redeemed you Israel?
For how long will you look for me? Can I be bought through a bribe? Can I be persuaded by a gift? For how long will you search for me until I am found by you?
Or shall I bribe you? What is your cost oh Israel that I may purchase you? What gifts can I send you that you may be found by me?
You say, Israel has no King but am I not the Lord your God and am I not greater than a King? Shall I behave as a man? What is a king but merely a man?
Do I require a tax? Shall I choose the best of your youth? Do I require an army? Tell me the requirements of a King, but I ask you, oh Israel, what are the requirements of a God?"