Prophetic Dream Concerning US Troop Deployment

***Prophetic Dream*** I had a dream last night, Tuesday February 1st-2nd 2022,
I saw US troops being deployed to Europe. It was early stages of a coming world war. I saw the troops eating in a chow hall and over heard their conversations. They were over confident and under estimating the threat they were about to face. They had faced no opposition and had a few early successes but could not see the masses of troops forming on the horizon. While they were talking I was able to see into their future and saw horrible blood shed and fighting greater than both world wars combined and they would suffer heavy losses.
Please pray for our nations leadership, for our troops, for wisdom and discernment, and pray over the grave events that are unfolding. Woke up this morning after that dream to read headlines our troops already being deployed.
-Brandon Dawson, Tribe of Christians
I had a dream the night of 2/5/22. I was standing off at a great distance but I could clearly see America's military was engaged with Russian troops at the Ukraine border. A lot of military movement and activity was taking place and a lot of missiles were being fired by Russia, but no significant damage was caused. In the dream I remember saying to myself this seems like a distraction from whats really going on. At that moment Russia unveiled a massive missile, aimed it in the opposite direction from the war zone and fired it. The missile headed straight towards me and all I could see was the warhead of the missile as it closed in on my…