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Prophetic Word Jewish Hebrew New Year 5781 and 2021

The 21st Hebrew Alpha-bet letter is the letter SHIN which means "teeth" having a numeric value of 300. This is very significant and will reveal why later in the article. 5781 will be a continuation from 5780 "Year of the PEY(MOUTH). And since 80 represents the mouth, and the 21st letter (300) represents the teeth this year will be an amplified continuation of last year leading into a new season.

We are currently in the 6th year of a 7 year Shemita cycle when the 7th year is Holy to the Lord. This tells me 2 things:

1) There will be a rampant presence of sin and lawlessness including persecution of the church

2) The result will lead to revival.

There are 22 letters in the Hebrew Alphabet. Each one has a specific meaning and a numerical number attached to it. I want to discuss the incredible 21stletter: שׁ SHIN. It is in the same form in Hebrew and in Aramaic/Syriac, a text used in both the Old and the New Testaments. Daniel 1 – 6 is an example of this and some of what Jesus says is in Aramaic.

SHIN iterally means “teeth”, “press”, “sharp”, “change.” Ingematria,Shinrepresents the number 300 [Wikipedia]. SHIN or שׁ also stands for the Hebrew name of God:Shaddai.

Shin paints prophetic picture of Jerusalem and the return of Christ

The three valleys that run around Jerusalem with one running through Jerusalem are: (1) Valley of Jehosephat also called the Kidron Valley runs east of Jerusalem,  (2) Valley of Hinnon runs around the other side of Jerusalem; some identify it with the *Valley of Shaveh, and (3) the Valley of Tyropoeon which runs through the eastern side of Jerusalem. Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives which is also to the east of Jerusalem. When he does the Mount will divide north and south through a natural fault line Zechariah had no knowledge of when he wrote this passage in Zechariah 14:3-5.

*THE VALLEY OF SHAVEH is the first landmark mentioned from a map of ancient Jerusalem. However, this valley’s exact location remains a mystery, as does the identity of Melchizedek, the king of Salem at this time. This is where he met Abraham and Abraham gave 1/10 of his belongings to Mechizadek as a tithe-offering.

The Valley of Tyropoeon runs through Jerusalem at an angle mostly to one side of this city. Perhaps this picture [for visuals] will understand what I am saying.

#6 is the Valley of *Hinnon/GeHannon

#5 is the Valley of Tyropoeon

#4 is the Valley of Kidron/Jehosephat

*This is also known as the Valley of death of Gehenna or GeHinnom in Hebrew. Child sacrifice was practice here by Judah.

Here is what the originator of this map did not notice. Take the letter SHIN שׁ hold it to a mirror, and what do you see? ANS: The shape of the above map in a mirror image, the judgement of God; Shaddai/shin.

These valleys converge in a direct line with the springs of living waters from under the Throne as discussed in Ezekiel flowing to the Dead Sea. In the Millennial Reign, the Dead Sea will become a fresh water sea and fish will abound in it.The three valleys that comprise the city of Jerusalem’s geography: the Valley of Ben Hinnom, Tyropoeon Valley, and Kidron or Jehosephat Valley.

[Ezekiel 47:1-12; Revelation 22:1-2]

This is a scale model of Jerusalem today. I have drawn three blue lines indicating the three valleys discussed above. This is a mirror image of the letter SHIN:

o the right and a little bit south of the above scale model of Jerusalem, but not in this picture, is the Mount of Olives. This is where Christ returns (2ndAdvent). When he sets foot on it, it will divide North and South [Zechariah 14:4] creating a huge valley in which the Battle of Armageddon will be fought.Foughtgives a wrong impression. It will be one-sided. Shin/Shaddai will destroy the 2000,000,000 man army with his tongue and spoken word.

Interestingly, the number 21 is a sixth triangular number:

This triangle pattern coincides with the pattern of 6 which Biblically not only represents man, as man was created on the 6th day, but also sin; as the number and name of the beast is 666.

The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 21

Twenty-one symbolizes the great wickedness of rebellion and sin. After the children of Israel left Egyptian bondage they had 21 major rebellious events as their traveled and wandered the wilderness.

The number 13, which symbolizes depravity and sinfulness, and 21 are closely related. The meaning of twenty-one in the Bible is an outgrowth of thirteen. Adding thirteen (sinfulness) and eight (symbolizing a new beginning) gives us twenty-one or a number that represents beginning a new level or effort that is sinful and disobedient against God.

On the last day of God's seven-day Spring festival, the 21st of the month of Nisan, the Eternal carried out his last judgment against the Egyptians. He drowned Pharaoh and his entire army in the Red Sea as they were pursuing the Israelites in order to make them slaves again.

The last day of God's annual Fall Feast of Tabernacles, which occurs every year on the 21st day of the seventh Hebrew month, pictures the end of Christ's 1,000 year reign on earth when the devil is loosed out of his prison for a short time.

Satan's very first task, along with his demons, is to lead people into war and rebellion against all that is Holy. After a short period of time, God executes His final judgment against the Satanic forces by consuming them in fire (Revelation 20:10).

Appearances of the number twenty-one

One of the top ten shortest books in God's word, Obadiah, has only 1 chapter with 21 verses.

Out of 27 New Testament books 21 of them are Epistles.

The book of Hebrews contains materials from twenty-one Old Testament books.

The word Frankincense occurs 21 times in Scripture, as well as the phrase 'the Father.' The names James (the great) and James (the less) also show up 21 times.

The books of 1Kings and 2Kings make a total of 21 references to the sins of Jeroboam (the first king of the Northern Tribes of Israel after their split with Judah). These references were used to show how Israel continued to disobey God even though he gave them plenty of time to repent.

How is the number 21 related to sin?

In 2Timothy 3 the apostle Paul writes of 21 sins which show the exceeding wickedness of self and sin. He begins the chapter with a warning and then starts his list with the words "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will . . ."

  1. Selfishly love themselves

  2. Love money

  3. Brag quite a bit

  4. Be proud of themselves

  5. Blaspheme

  6. Disregard and disobey their parents

  7. Not be thankful for what they have

  8. Reject being holy

  9. Will not have natural affection

  10. Uncompromising

  11. Falsely accuse others

  12. Lack any self-control

  13. Will be fierce

  14. Hate anyone who does good

  15. Betray others

  16. Will act hard-headed

  17. Will have exalted, selfish views

  18. Love pleasure

  19. Reject loving God

  20. Will look from the outside as being Godly

  21. On the inside they will deny God's power (2Timothy 3:1 - 4)

Paul's ultimate advice to Timothy, after listing all the above sins, is "turn away from all these" (2Timothy 3:5)



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