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Writer's pictureBrandon Dawson

Blood Moon Prophetic Warning Revealed!

Blood Moon Prophetic Warning Revealed! Tribe of Christians host Brandon Dawson gives a prophetic warning to the United States concerning the May 15th lunar eclipse blood moon, how it relates to Bible Prophecy, the nation of Israel, and its warning to the American Churches.

Additional updates concerning this past blood moon:

The Sabbath begins on Friday Evening at sun down. The blood moon occurred on Sunday (constellation of Libra) being visible to entire United States meaning a warning of judgement/justice ,not just to the United States, but also the churches in America in connection to 1) abortion/corruption 2) the land of Israel. Although the Biblical Sabbath occurs on Friday evening, with Jesus being crucified on the Sabbath/Passover, He was resurrected on Sunday - the day most Christians worship the Lord.

Since there are 2 blood moons occurring this year 2022, the number 2 symbolizes division, and since the 2nd blood moon, occurring on the Scorpio constellation, falling on the US election day for congress, it symbolizes not only division but a grave warning concerning the Biden' administrations plans to steal this midterm elections through a national emergency perhaps with Russia or china (the internet/cyber warfare) and can perhaps prophesy of a Kamala Harris Presidency (2nd in chain of command) with severe persecution to the church to follow.

September 26th 2020, 2 years ago, I had a vision warning of "Lilith the Destroyer" coming - a prophetic warning concerning both Kamala Harris and her appointment to the Presidency signifying coming destruction to NYC. Lilith is associated in the Bible concerning the judgement of the nations in connection to the division of Israel (Isaiah 32:14) and is also associated with the destroyer named in Revelation 9:10-11:

"They had tails with stingers, like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer)."-Revelation 9:10-11

Kamala Harris was born October 20th 1964, right at the edge of both Libra & Scorpio constellations.

The eclipse lasted 84 minutes, next year in September (Libra) it will be 5784 representing the time frame of events to occur or conclude - just like the last 4 blood moons that fell on the Jewish festivals. 4 blood moons during 2 years indicating grave events occurring for 2 years in connection to Israel. January 2020 the nation put forward a plan to divide Israel, 2 months later covid 19 happened officially lasting for 2 years.

This also may signify "justice coming to NYC/churches in NYC for involvement of abortion/late term abortion. Next year (January 22nd 2023) will be the 50th year (Jubilee) of passing of Roe V Wade. If NYC does not repent, it will be destroyed and bring tribulation to the nation - perhaps also by an attack from China/Russia.


2 Yorum

Todd Warren
Todd Warren
12 May 2022

Joe Biden’s White House is being run by Barak Obama, which means your predictions for these blood moons will start Biden‘s political suicide through giving his full support to the Palestinians, and are right on target. This ripple effect that you spoke about happening will, in all likelihood, come to pass if Obama orders Biden to declare that East Jerusalem will be the new capital for the Palestinian state. The prophetic pieces of the jig saw puzzle are coming together and we could witness in a very short period of time the end of the United States of America, the beginning of the Ezekiel 38 & 39 war, and global chaos. But these things also mean the return of t…

Brandon Dawson
Brandon Dawson
15 May 2022
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